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Aoi no Ue (Yamada Ryu)


[Style]Uta mono
[School]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[Composed]Yamada Kengyō - Koto

History (Tsuge Gen'ichi):

Aoi no ue, Yamada Kengyo's masterpiece, is considered the most profound work in the Yamada style repertoire.

Its rhythmic texture - a quick alternation of tension and relaxation - is highly dramatic. Also, being over 40 minutes long, this piece demands highly-polished technique, energy, and endurance on the part of the performers.

Aoi no ue is based on a no play of the same title. In fact, its text is taken almost intact (though the final one-third is cut), from the no play. The play is based on 'The Tale of Genji,' in particular, an episode from the 'Heartvine' (Aoi) chapter. Princess Rokujo was once courted by Genji, whose affection, however, soon shifted to other women. Rendered helpless by her noble upbringing and pride, the princess was overcome by jealousy, which eventually to the form of a revengeful ghost. The ghost stole out of her body, without her realizing it, to torment Lady Aoi, Genji's wife who was about to give birth to a son.

Poem (translated by Tsuge Gen'ichi)

Riding the three vehicles
Of Law
Others may escape
The burning house.

Mine is but a cart in ruins
Like Yugao's house;
I know not
How to flee my passion.
Like an ox-drawn cart,
This weary world
Rolls endlessly
(On the wheels
Of retribution.)
(On the wheels
Of retribution.)

Like wheels of a cart
Forever turning
Are birth and death in all living things;
Six Worlds and Four Births
You must journey;
Strive as you will, there is no escape.
What folly to be blind
To the frailty of this life,
Like the banana stalk without a core,
Like a bubble on the water!
Flowers of yesterday are
But a dream today.
How sad my fate!

Upon my sorrow
Others heap
Their spite.
To find a moment
Of respite,
Now the ghost
Has come,
Drawn by the sound
Of the birch-bow.

Ah, how shameful
That even now
The eyes of others I should shun
As on that festive day.
Though all night long
I gaze upon the moon,
I, a phantom form,
Remain unseen by it.

By the birch-bow's upper end,
I shall stand to tell
My sorrow.
Whence comes
The sound of the birch-bow?

Though by the mansion-gate
I stand,
Having no form,
People pass me by
Without notice.

How strange!
I see,
Though I know not who,
A lady
Riding in
A ragged coach,
And one who seems
A waiting-maid,
Clutching the shaft
Of the ox-less coach
And weeping,
Swathed in tears.
Oh! Pitiful sight!

Is this the evil spirit?
Who it is
I now can guess.
Tell me straight
Your name.
Tell me straight
Your name.

In this world
Where all, like lightning
There should be none
For me to hate
Nor no fate
For me to mourn,
Why did I leave
The way of truth?

By the birch-bow's
Here I now
Am I unknown
To you yet?
I am the ghost
Of Princess
In those olden days
When I walked the world,
On spring mornings
I was invited
To the flower feasts
Of the Palace,
And on autumn nights
I viewed the moon
In the royal garden.
Gaily thus,
I spent my days
In bright hues
And scents.
Fallen in life,
I am today no more
Than a morning-glory that
Withers with the rising of the sun.

My heart knows
No rest from pain;
Bitter thoughts grow
Like fern shoots
Bursting forth
In fields.
To vent
My vengeance,
Have I appeared.
Know you not
In this life,
Charity is
Not for others?
Be harsh
To another,
And it will recoil
Upon you.
Why do you cry?
My curse is
My curse is
Oh, how I hate you!
I will punish you.

What shame!
For Princess
To you vengeance
And act as
One low-born,
Are you not ashamed?
And say no more.

Say what you will,
I must strike her now.
So staying
I walk towards the pillow
Of Lady Aoi
And strike her.
Now that things have come
To such a pass,
There is nothing more to do.
So saying, she walks
Towards the Princess Rokujo.
For this you will soon suffer.
Present vengeance is the retribution
Of past wrongs you did to me.
The flame of consuming anger
Scorches only my own self.
You shall feel
The fullness of its fury.

This loathsome heart!
This loathsome heart!
My unfathomable hate
Causes Lady Aoi to wail
In bitter agony.
But long as is
Her life
In this world,
Her love
Of the Shining Prince
Will never end-
The Shining Prince,
Lovelier than
A firefly
That flits across
The marshland.

I shall be to him
A stranger,
Which I was once,
And I shall pass away
Like a dewdrop
On the mugwort leaf.
When I think of this,
How bitter I feel!

Even were I living,
Our love is already an old tale,
Never to be revived
Even in a dream.
Yet all the while
My longing grows more
Till I am ashamed to see
My love-torn self.
In ragged coach,
Standing by her pillow,
I shall place the Lady Aoi
And secretly
Bear her off,
And secretly
Bear her off.

(1) The following English translation has been adapted from The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinko Kai's translation of the no play Aoi no ue (Japanese Noh Drama, Vol. 2, Tokyo 1959).
Mitsu no kuruma ni
nori no michi
kataku no uchi wo ya

Yuugao no yado no
naki koso
ukiyo wa ushi no
oguruma no
[meguru yo mukui
[meguru yo mukui

Oyoso rinne wa
kuruma no
wa no gotoku
rokushu-shishoo wo
ningen no
fujoo bashoo
hoomatsu no
yo no narai
kinoo no hana wa
kyoo no yume to
odorokanu koso
oroka nare
Mi no uki ni
hito no urami no
nao soite
wasure mo yaranu
waga omoi
semeteya shibashi
nagusamu to
azusa no yumi ni
onryoo no
kore made araware
Ara hazukashiya
imatote mo
shinobi-guruma no
waga sugata
tsuki woba nagame
tsuki niwa mieji
kageroo no
Azusa no yumi no
urahazu ni
tachiyori uki wo
azusa no yumi no
oto wa izuku zo


Azumaya no
moya no tsumado ni
itaredo mo
sugata nakereba
too hito mo nashi
Fushigiya na
tare tomo mienu
jooroo no
yabure-guruma ni
mesaretaru ni
aonyooboo tomo
oboshiki hito no
ushi mo naki
kuruma no
nagae ni
samezame to
itawashisa yo

Moshi kayoo no
hito nitemo ya
ookata wa suiryoo
mooshite sooroo tada
tsutsumazu na wo
on-nanori soorae

shaba denkoo no
sakai niwa
hito mo naku
kanashimubeki mi mo
arazaru ni
itsu sate ukare

Tadaima azusa no
yumi no oto ni
hikarete araware
idetaru woba
mono to ka
kore wa rokujoo no
miyasudokoro no
onryoo nari
Ware yo ni arishi
inishie wa
unshoo no
hana no en
haru no ashita no
gyoyuu ni nare
sentoo no
momiji no
aki no yo wa
tsuki ni tawamure
iroka ni somi
hanayaka narishi
mi naredo mo
asagao no
hikage matsu ma no
arisama nari
Tada itsutonaki
waga kokoro
monouki nobe no
sawarabi no
omoi no tsuyu
kakaru urami wo
harasan tote
koremade araware
omoishirazu ya
yononaka no
nasake wa hito no
tame narazu
ware hito no tame
kanarazu mi nimo
Nani wo nageku zo
kuzu no ha no
urami wa sarani
Ara urameshi ya
ima wa utadewa
kanai sooroomaji

Ara asamashiya
rokujoo no
miyasudokoro hodo no
onmi nite
uwanari-uchi no
ikade saru koto no
tada oboshimeshi

Iya ikani intomo
ima wa utadewa
kanoomaji to
makura ni
choo to uteba

Kono ue wa tote
warawa wa
ato nite
ku wo misuru
Ima no urami wa
arishi mukui
Shin'i no
homura wa
Mi wo kogasu
Omoi shirazu ya
omoi shire

Urameshi no
kokoro ya
ara urameshi no
kokoro ya
hito no urami no
fukaku shite
ukine ni nakase
ikite konoyo ni
mizu kuraki
sawabe no
hotaru no
kage yori mo
kikaru kimi to zo
Warawa wa
yomogiu no
moto arazarishi
mi to narite
hazue no tsuyu to
kie mo seba
sore sae koto ni
urameshi ya

Yume ni dani
kaeranu mono wo
waga chigiri
mukashi-gatari ni
narinure ba
naomo omoi wa
sono omokage no
hazukashi ya
makura ni tateru
kakureyukoo yo
kakureyukoo yo

Aoi no Ue (Yamada Ryu) appears on the following albums

Album Artist

Jiuta no Sekai - 4 Koto : Tomiyama Mieko
Voice : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 2 (続三曲合奏大全集2) Shakuhachi : Araki Kodō V
Koto : Tomimoto Seishū
Voice : Tomiyama Seikin II
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin II

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 46 Voice : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Koto : Nakanoshima Kin'ichi
Voice : Nakanoshima Keiko

Yamada Kengyo o Utao Disk 1 Voice : Fujii Chiyoga II
Koto : Fujii Chiyoga II
Voice : Takayanagi Chikaga
Voice : Kishibe Michiga II
Koto : Kishibe Michiga II
Voice : Takaba Yōga
Voice : Fujii Chiyoga III
Shamisen : Fujii Chiyoga III
Shakuhachi : Yamaguchi Gorō
Koto : Tomiyasu Mizuga
Koto : Suzuki Seiju